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Marionette Configuration

Marionette has a few globally configurable settings that will change how the system works. While many of these subjects are covered in other docs, this configuration doc should provide a list of the most common items to change.

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Marionette.Deferred <a name="deferred"></a>

By default, Marionette makes use of Backbone.$.Deferred to create thenable objects.

Overriding Marionette.Deferred

If you are using Marionette without jquery you must first shim Backbone.$.Deferred with a following object that adherses to these properties:

  1. promise: a Promises/A+ thenable, or a function that returns one
  2. resolve: a function that resolves the provided promise with a value

For example:

var deferred = Marionette.Deferred();

_.result(deferred, 'promise').then(function (target) {
    console.log("Hello, " + target + "!");

deferred.resolve("world"); // asynchronous "Hello, world!"

If you wish to use a specific promise library, you can override the default via:

Marionette.Deferred = myDeferredLib;
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