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These docs are for Marionette 3 which is still in pre-release. Some parts may not be accurate or up-to-date


A Behavior provides a clean separation of concerns to your view logic, allowing you to share common user-facing operations between your views.

Behaviors are particularly good at factoring out the common user, model and collection interactions to be utilized across your application.

Documentation Index

Using Behaviors

The easiest way to see how to use the Behavior class is to take an example view and factor out common behavior to be shared across other views.

var Mn = require('backbone.marionette');

var MyView = Mn.View.extend({
  ui: {
    destroy: '.destroy-btn'

  events: {
    'click @ui.destroy': 'warnBeforeDestroy'

  warnBeforeDestroy: function() {
    alert('You are about to destroy all your data!');

  onShow: function() {
      text: 'What a nice mouse you have.'

Interaction points, such as tooltips and warning messages, are generic concepts. There is no need to recode them within your Views so they are prime candidates to be extracted into Behavior classes.

Defining and Attaching Behaviors

var Mn = require('backbone.marionette');

var DestroyWarn = Mn.Behavior.extend({
  // You can set default options
  // just like you can in your Backbone Models.
  // They will be overridden if you pass in an option with the same key.
  defaults: {
    message: 'You are destroying!'

  // Behaviors have events that are bound to the views DOM.
  events: {
    'click @ui.destroy': 'warnBeforeDestroy'

  warnBeforeDestroy: function() {
    var message = this.getOption('message');
    // Every Behavior has a hook into the
    // view that it is attached to.

var ToolTip = Mn.Behavior.extend({
  defaults: {
    text: ''
  ui: {
    tooltip: '.tooltip'

  onShow: function() {
      text: this.getOption('text')

We've passed in a defaults attribute that sets default options. This will be covered in default soon. With the warning and tooltip behaviors extracted, we just need to attach them to our view:

var Mn = require('backbone.marionette');

var MyView = Mn.View.extend({
  behaviors: [DestroyWarn, ToolTip]

Each behavior will now be able to respond to user interactions as though the event handlers were attached to the view directly. In addition to using array notation, Behaviors can be attached using an object:

var Mn = require('backbone.marionette');

var MyView = Mn.View.extend({
  behaviors: {
    destroy: DestroyWarn,
    tooltip: ToolTip

Behavior Options

When we attach behaviors to views, we can also pass in options to add to the behavior. This tends to be static information relating to what the behavior should do. In our above example, we want to override the message to our DestroyWarn and Tooltip behaviors to match the original message on the View:

var Mn = require('backbone.marionette');

var MyView = Mn.View.extend({
  behaviors: [
      behaviorClass: DestroyWarn
      message: 'You are about to destroy all your data!'
      behaviorClass: ToolTip,
      text: 'What a nice mouse you have.'

Using an object, we must define the behaviorClass attribute to refer to our behaviors and then add any extra options with keys matching the option we want to override. Any passed options will override the defaults passed.

Here is the syntax for declaring which behaviors get used within a View.

var Mn = require('backbone.marionette');

var MyView = Mn.View.extend({
  ui: {
    destroy: '.destroy-btn'

  behaviors: {
    DestroyWarn: {
      message: 'you are destroying all your data is now gone!'
    ToolTip: {
      text: 'what a nice mouse you have'

Now let's create the DestroyWarn Behavior.

var Mn = require('backbone.marionette');

var DestroyWarn = Mn.Behavior.extend({
  // You can set default options
  // just like you can in your Backbone Models.
  // They will be overridden if you pass in an option with the same key.
  defaults: {
    message: 'You are destroying!'

  // Behaviors have events that are bound to the views DOM.
  events: {
    'click @ui.destroy': 'warnBeforeDestroy'

  warnBeforeDestroy: function() {
    // Every Behavior has a hook into the
    // view that it is attached to.

And onto the Tooltip behavior.

var Mn = require('backbone.marionette');

var ToolTip = Mn.Behavior.extend({
  ui: {
    tooltip: '.tooltip'

  onShow: function() {
      text: this.options.text

Nesting Behaviors

In addition to extending a View with Behavior, a Behavior can itself use other Behaviors. The syntax is identical to that used for a View:

var Mn = require('backbone.marionette');

var Modal = Mn.Behavior.extend({
  behaviors: {
    DestroyWarn: {
      message: 'Whoa! You sure about this?'

Nested Behaviors act as if they were direct Behaviors of the parent Behavior's view instance.

View Proxy

The Behavior class provides proxies for a selection of View functionality. This includes listening to events on the view, being able to handle events on models and collections, and being able to directly interact with the attached template.

Listening to View Events

Behaviors are powered by an event proxy. This means that any events that are triggered on a View are passed to all attached behaviors. This includes:

These handlers work exactly as they do on View - see the View documentation

Proxy Handlers

Behaviors provide proxies to a number of the view event handling attributes including:

Using ui

As in views, events and triggers can use the ui references in their listeners. These can be defined on either the Behavior or the View:

var Mn = require('backbone.marionette');

var MyBehavior = Mn.Behavior.extend({
  ui: {
    saveForm: '.btn-save'

  events: {
    'click @ui.saveForm': 'saveForm'

  modelEvents: {
    invalid: 'showError'

  saveForm: function() {

  showError: function() {
    alert('You have errors');

Template and View

The Behavior has a number of proxies attributes that directly refer to the related attribute on a view:

In addition, each behavior is able to reference the view they are attached to through the view attribute:

var Mn = require('backbone.marionette');

var ViewBehavior = Mn.Behavior.extend({
  onRender: function() {
    if (this.view.model.get('selected')) {
    else {

Referencing the DOM

Behaviors, like views, have a ui attribute that can reference and cache DOM elements, just as in the View. For more detail, see the ui documentation for views.

If your ui keys clash with keys on the attached view, references within the behavior will always use the definition on the behavior itself. As views are only peripherally aware of their behaviors, their ui keys will not be changed when accessed within the View. For example:

var Mn = require('backbone.marionette');

var MyBehavior = Mn.Behavior.extend({
  ui: {
    saveForm: '.btn-save'

  events: {
    'click @ui.saveForm': 'saveForm'  // .btn-save

  saveForm: function() {

var FirstView = Mn.View.extend({
  behaviors: [MyBehavior],

  ui: {
    saveForm: '.btn-primary'

  events: {
    'click @ui.saveForm': 'checkForm'  // .btn-primary

  checkForm: function() {
    // ...
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